Monday, May 23, 2011

How Marijuana Edibles are Made

by Fran Prisco

Medical marijuana edibles are becoming more and more popular among patients.  It is much easier to ingest the THC found in marijuana plants by eating it, than smoking.  So how are these marijuana edibles, such as brownies, cookies and muffins made?

Marijuana Butter

The key to making marijuana edibles is to first make marijuana butter.  Marijuana butter is made using butter and shake (loose leaves and droppings from marijuana plants) flour.  Using a crockpot the butter and marijuana flour are cooked for about 24 hours, strained and formed into butter. The butter can then be stored in the refrigerator until ready to bake.

Baking with Marijuana Butter

Now that the marijuana butter is made, it can be used in your everyday baking recipes.   Brownies are among the most favorite marijuana edible of choice.  They are easily made by substituting the oil in the recipe on the box with the marijuana butter.  You can also make the brownies from scratch again substituting the oil or butter in the recipe for the canna butter.  It is easy to find marijuana brownie recipes on the internet.

As easy as making the brownies, so are cookies and even rice crispy treats.  If you are not able to make your own marijuana butter, you can always purchase it at your local collective.  Canna butter usually sells for $35 - $40 per ¼ cup, enough for one recipe.  If baking is not your forte, you can always buy the edibles at the collective as well.

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1 comment:

  1. Sometimes things can get fuzzy and very confusing.
